Returning Varsity


Here is some relevant (and not so relevant) information about our returning varsity.  Complete roster.



Jessie Aisenbrey - Senior

They aren't related

even though they all

seem to look alike.


Kirsten Bontrager - Junior
3rd year

Favorite snack at a meet?

Rice cakes and Gatorade, NOT Grapes

Goal for season?

Break 20 minutes for 5K.

Favorite pre-race music?

Eye of the Tiger from Rocky.

Funniest moment at a meet?

Throwing up during the cool down after the Olathe East race.

That doesn't sound too funny to me.

Shoe size?

7 1/2 narrow

Best memory?

Christmas 1994, when we got our dog, Cleo the Wonder Pug!



Karen Cole - Senior


Alison Cotter - Senior
4th year

Why did you start running?

I started running cross country because my mom wanted me to so I could me people.  Then I realized it was fun, so I stuck with it.

Funniest moment?

I almost got lost during a race.  I made a wrong turn and EVERYONE in the crowd started yelling "NO" and pointing to the finish line.

Favorite snack at a meet?

Twizzlers,  gummi bears.  McDonald's after the meet.

Longest run?

10 miles

Most proud of?

Helping the team place 2nd at the state meet last year.

Favorite number?




Julia Galligan - Senior



Ashley Grosse - Senior




Kathryn Reintjes - Sophomore



Notre Dame de Sion 
High School

Year born?



10631 Wornall

Favorite Colors?

Purple and White



Favorite subject?

Math (of course)

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